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Student Meal Status

  • Students will be charged for their meals based on their current eligibility, which is either Free, Reduced, or Full Pay.
  • You can fill out the Free and Reduced Meal application and renew your status for the 2024-2025 school year going to MyPaymentsPlus.


We strongly encourage parents/guardians to add money to their child's account via MyPaymentsPlus. However, we will still accept cash payments if needed. We cannot accept bills larger than $20.00. We cannot accept credit card payment at school for lunch accounts. Please use MyPaymentsPlus to add money to your child's account with a credit or debit card.

MyPaymentsPlus Support

Cafeteria Charge Policy at Woodward Mill Elementary School

  • Charges are not allowed for supplemental or a la carte items.
  • Adults at all levels will be allowed to charge a maximum of 1 meal a day to their account.
  • Refunds:
    • Refunds may be processed at the school level up to $50.00. Any refunds over $50.00 shall be processed through the SNP (School Nutrition Program) Central Office by submitting a Refund Request Form.
    • If you have any questions about your child's meal charge, please contact Paola Mora Velez, WMES Cafeteria Manager.
    • If you have any questions about a refund, please contact the SNP Central Office at 678-301-6246.
  • Elementary students will be allowed to charge up to $11.25.
  • Charges are not allowed for supplemental or a la carte items. 
  • Once the charge limit has been met, the student may receive a designated alternate meal at no charge as defined by the School Nutrition Program. 
  • A charge notice will be completed for each occurrence and notification will be sent home to the parent/guardian through the student. Additionally, once the charge limit has been met, the parent/guardian will be notified by Woodward Mill via phone call, letter or email. 
  • A charge list will be provided to the principal at the end of every month and upon request. 
  • The charge policy will be communicated via the student-parent handbook, SNP, newsletters, and letter.
  • Refunds:
    • Refunds may be processed at the school level up to $50.00. Any refunds over $50.00 shall be processed through the SNP (School Nutrition Program) Central Office by submitting a Refund Request Form.
    • If you have any questions about your child's meal charge, please contact Paola Mora Velez, WMES Cafeteria Manager.
    • If you have any questions about a refund, please contact the SNP Central Office at 678-301-6246.

Contact Information

Paola Mora Velez, WMES Cafeteria Manager (678-407-7829)

School Nutrition Program Central Office (678-301-6246)